Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Act V, scene i

The generosity of Theseus has been astounding. This night, we were all of us wed, and then enjoyed a play in his company. The common workers put on a show for us that was utterly ridiculous, but we had a wonderful time playing and bantering at their performance. I'm not sure that anyone believed our story, but it doesn't matter. Love does strange things to people, and I've finally won the one I love.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Act IV, scene i

Everything is set right, though I'm not entirely sure how. I fell asleep in the woods with the rest, everything still all in disarray. We were woken by Theseus and Hippolyta, along with Egeus, and the three asked what had happened. Lysander told them about his plan to leave with Hermia, and Egeus demanded that he be killed and Hermia forced to marry Demetrius. But Demetrius said that he was over his love for Hermia, and that he loved me once more! He said that it was as if he had been ill when he loved Hermia, and since his health was restored, I was the one he wanted once more. It is all so strange, and I'm not sure how these things happened, but Theseus has ordered that we all get married in one big ceremony. I still don't know if all of this is just a dream, but I'm overjoyed that my true love will finally be mine.