Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Act V, scene i

The generosity of Theseus has been astounding. This night, we were all of us wed, and then enjoyed a play in his company. The common workers put on a show for us that was utterly ridiculous, but we had a wonderful time playing and bantering at their performance. I'm not sure that anyone believed our story, but it doesn't matter. Love does strange things to people, and I've finally won the one I love.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Act IV, scene i

Everything is set right, though I'm not entirely sure how. I fell asleep in the woods with the rest, everything still all in disarray. We were woken by Theseus and Hippolyta, along with Egeus, and the three asked what had happened. Lysander told them about his plan to leave with Hermia, and Egeus demanded that he be killed and Hermia forced to marry Demetrius. But Demetrius said that he was over his love for Hermia, and that he loved me once more! He said that it was as if he had been ill when he loved Hermia, and since his health was restored, I was the one he wanted once more. It is all so strange, and I'm not sure how these things happened, but Theseus has ordered that we all get married in one big ceremony. I still don't know if all of this is just a dream, but I'm overjoyed that my true love will finally be mine.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Act III, scene ii

This is just unbelievable. When I was trying to get away from Lysander and get him to quit saying he loved me, we came upon Demetrius. He started to tell me that he loved me completely! I knew that he had to be kidding, especially considering the way he had treated me earlier. Hermia walked in because she had heard Lysander, and when she saw that he was telling me she loved me, she got really angry. She keeps saying that I did something to make him love me, but I think she's behind all of this. I can't believe she'd abandon our friendship this way! She even said that she thinks they love me for my height, but that's just nonsense. The men both tried to fight each other over me so they ran after each other in the woods, and Hermia wanted to fight me too. I didn't want any part of it, because I know that she's a better fighter. I'm faster though, so I ran away and found a place to sleep. I just want to get away from everyone and go back to Athens.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Act II, scene ii

My plan backfired! I told Demetrius of Hermia and Lysander's plan, and I followed him into the woods when he pursued them. I told him over and over how much I loved him, but every time I did, he told me to leave him alone and get away from him. I he wouldn't even listen to me! It started getting really dark, and I was out of breath, but instead of staying with me Demetrius just left me in the woods. I can't believe things went so wrong.
Well, then I saw Lysander sleeping in the woods, so I walked to him and woke him up, and the worst thing happened. He started to tell me that he loved me deeply and that Hermia meant nothing to him! He said that he thought I was beautiful, so I know that he was lying. I don't know why he was playing this mean, hurtful trick on me, but it made me so angry. I walked away from him, but he tried to follow.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Act I, scene i

The most amazing thing has happened today. My friend Hermia was taken by her father, Egeus, to see the Duke of Athens. Her father wanted to make her marry Demetrius, the man I love. We were once engaged, but when he met her, he left me. He adores her so much, but she's in love with Lysander. Theseus, the Duke, gave her four days, until his wedding to Hippolyta (pictured left), to decide whether or not she'd marry Demetrius. If she doesn't, she may have to go to a convent, or she may even be killed! Hermia and Lysander confided in me that they're planning to run away to his aunt's house to get married! I envy their happiness...I wish that I could have the love that they have. This is wonderful news though, because if she runs away with Lysander I can win my Demetrius back. I'm sure that when he finds out they're going through the woods tomorrow night, he'll have to follow them. I can follow after him, and then maybe he'll come back to me!I know I'm not the prettiest thing, but maybe with her out of the way, he'll see me differently. I have to tell Demetrius!