Thursday, November 20, 2008

Act III, scene ii

This is just unbelievable. When I was trying to get away from Lysander and get him to quit saying he loved me, we came upon Demetrius. He started to tell me that he loved me completely! I knew that he had to be kidding, especially considering the way he had treated me earlier. Hermia walked in because she had heard Lysander, and when she saw that he was telling me she loved me, she got really angry. She keeps saying that I did something to make him love me, but I think she's behind all of this. I can't believe she'd abandon our friendship this way! She even said that she thinks they love me for my height, but that's just nonsense. The men both tried to fight each other over me so they ran after each other in the woods, and Hermia wanted to fight me too. I didn't want any part of it, because I know that she's a better fighter. I'm faster though, so I ran away and found a place to sleep. I just want to get away from everyone and go back to Athens.

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